Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all women of the world!

Mother's ~~ they care for their children,, for spouses, friends, communities, animals, etc.
The list can go on and on as to what women bring to the table, to contribute, to give.

Who is a mother figure to her and how do you celebrate her?

As a birth mom that relinquished a child for adoption, mother's day was a painful celebration for me. I was always grateful to celebrate my mom and that part did bring me happiness but what lie beneath was my own anguish of not knowing my child.

We all have this place, this piece of us that needs healing. It's like we have a hole inside of us and we just learn to build around it.

Times are changing and we are better equipped to help moms who have lost a child to adoption, death, seperation, etc. We embrace each other more, we have support groups and therapy. We have self books. We look to each other for help and comfort and we receive it. Birth moms are more appreciated and revered than years ago and it's something that has helped us on the winding road of healing.

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